Linea Thumbnail
On Teaching | Costa Vavagiakis

Cassidy, Stephanie. Linea: The Artist's Voice, The Art Students League of New York, May 3, 2017.
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Periodical Thumbnail 04
"Continual Investigations: The Figure Drawings of Costa Vavagiakis."

Rubenstein, Ephraim. American Artist, Drawing The Complete Course, 2015: p. 120-127
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Periodical Thumbnail 03
"From Figures to Cityscapes and Nocturnes: The Other Costa Vavgiakis."

Rubenstein, Ephraim. The Artist’s Magazine, November 2015: p. 44-51
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"How to Draw a Portrait on Toned Paper."

Williams, Austin. Drawing Magazine, Winter 2014: cover and p. 36-45
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Periodical Thumbnail 02
"Truth is Beauty: Costa Vavagiakis Reinvents the Classical Tradition."

Bloomfield, Maureen. The Artist’s Magazine. May, 2008: p. 47-52
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Linea Thumbnail
Art in Context:
The Studio Project | Costa Vavagiakis

Vavagiakis, Costa. Linea: The Artist's Voice, The Art Students League of New York, March 11, 2013.